
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Gender is an Essential Characteristic


This can be a very touchy subject and I wanted to say that these are my beliefs. I would hope that anyone who reads this will be considerate to that and I will in turn respect and be considerate of your beliefs. We are all different and have different opinions and I fully support that! It is important to have differences in the world. The variety makes life interesting. So that being said, there were a few things I learned or thought about a little differently this week. Also the examples and stories I use are generalities. I'm not saying they are always like this- there are always exceptions.

There is a lot of talk about gender and characteristics. There is a big debate about if society is telling boys and girls how to behave. To some extent we do but for the most part we are born different. First of all, girls are more likely to have nurturing qualities than boys. Give girls Barbies and they play house, give boys Barbies and they turn them into guns. When I was younger my brothers had a ton of dinosaur toys and I would play with them, but I would play differently than them. They would fight and attack each other and I would take one I thought was cute and make it my pet and care for it. This was my favorite toy of theirs to play with and of course we had two so they wouldn't fight over one! To me this little guy needs to be taken care of because his leg was broken. But my brothers just threw him at other things and broke his egg he came in.

So often people disregard the essential characteristics of males and females and talk them down. Like how girls are more emotional- this can often be considered a bad thing but it's not. It can do a lot of good and is needed. People who tend to act different than the typical male or female get made fun of or ostracized. Females tend to be more caring, nurturing, gentle, creative and artistic, good speakers, care about fashion, and are more emotionally sensitive. If a guy tends to have these characteristics he is made fun of or called gay.

Now let's think about this...Ladies, would you like your man to be caring? Nurturing/good with children? Creative/artistic? Articulate? Well dressed and groomed? Or Emotionally sensitive? These are good qualities! If any man who had these qualities was taken off the market for us ladies it would be devastating! I don't know what you think but a guy who is kind and caring and sensitive is prized. Another thing about these qualities is they are all Christlike attributes! Christ is a perfect example of showing compassion and caring for those around him. He was gentle and creative and a good speaker. Just a thought.

Another statement that hit me in our class discussion is about same-gender relationships. Many people think that if they are in a same-gender relationship they aren't hurting anyone and it doesn't effect anyone else. However, this is false. For every male couple there are two women who will miss out on the opportunity to marry. And for every female couple there are two men who will miss out on the opportunity to marry. This is not fact of course. There is about a 1:1 ratio of men and women on the earth.

We are different. Everyone is different. Life would be so boring if we were the same. However, we are different for a good reason! We are to help balance one another. What one gender lacks the other tends to make up for it. This is how it was all designed before we were even born. Gender is all part of God's plan for us and is actually very important because families are central to Heavenly Father's plan. These topics have helped me see more how important families are.

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